Month: February 2019



Dr. Kristann recently spoke on a panel about teenage anxiety at The Lotus School of Liberal Arts’ screening of ANGST, an IndieFlix original documentary. This topic is a big one, and we want to provide more information about it to our followers. Here’s a bit 

Curried Split Pea + Lentil Bowl

Curried Split Pea + Lentil Bowl

.a Red Hill recipe. #14: Grace’s Lunch: Curried Split Pea + Lentil Bowl // Eating a plant-based meal such as this…one that is filling, satisfying and nutritious…feels good and is very, very good for you. Customize this recipe as you like, search through your fridge 



a Red Hill recipe.#13: Falecia’s Chai This winter warming pick-me-up is a favorite here. It’s just so easy to make, and so enjoyably different from cup to cup, AND so revitalizing and healthy for you. Chai (a word that means “tea” in India) varies by 

Chia Pudding

Chia Pudding

a Red Hill recipe. #12: Maureen’s Chia Pudding // For the love of sweet things, try chia pudding!It’s delicious and so easy to tailor to your tastes…and best of all, it packs a powerful punch of good-for-you <3 // flip through the recipe cards for ingredients, instructions